School Directory
Member District School Boards
Member District School Boards | Website |
Simcoe County District School Board | http://scdsb.on.ca/ |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board | http://www.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
Simcoe County District School Board - Elementary Schools
School Code | School | Grades | Weather Zone | Board | Website |
ADJ | Adjala Central P.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://adj.scdsb.on.ca |
ADM | Admiral Collingwood E.S. | JK-8 | West Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://adm.scdsb.on.ca |
ALG | Alcona Glen E.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://alg.scdsb.on.ca |
ALR | Algonquin Ridge E.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://alr.scdsb.on.ca |
ALL | Allandale Heights P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://all.scdsb.on.ca |
ALU | Alliston Union P.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://alu.scdsb.on.ca |
ANH | Andrew Hunter E.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://anh.scdsb.on.ca |
ANG | Angus Morrison E.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://ang.scdsb.on.ca |
AGH | Ardagh Bluffs P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://agh.scdsb.on.ca |
ASK | Assikinack P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://ask.scdsb.on.ca |
BAX | Baxter Central E.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://bax.scdsb.on.ca |
BAY | Bayview P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://bay.scdsb.on.ca |
BIR | Birchview Dunes E.S. | JK-8 | West Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://bir.scdsb.on.ca |
BRE | Brechin P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://bre.scdsb.on.ca |
BYR | Boyne River P.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://byr.scdsb.on.ca/ |
CAM | Cameron Street P.S. | JK-8 | West Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://cam.scdsb.on.ca |
CLE | Clearview Meadows E.S. | JK-8 | West Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://cle.scdsb.on.ca |
COD | Codrington P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://cod.scdsb.on.ca |
COL | Coldwater P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://col.scdsb.on.ca |
CON | Connaught P.S. | JK-8 | West Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://con.scdsb.on.ca |
CKT | Cookstown Central P.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://ckt.scdsb.on.ca |
COU | Couchiching Heights P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://cou.scdsb.on.ca |
CUN | Cundles Heights P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://cun.scdsb.on.ca |
EOR | East Oro P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://eor.scdsb.on.ca |
EMK | Emma King E.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://emk.scdsb.on.ca |
ERN | Ernest Cumberland E.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://ern.scdsb.on.ca |
FER | Ferndale Woods E.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://fer.scdsb.on.ca |
FLD | Fieldcrest E.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://fld.scdsb.on.ca |
FOR | Forest Hill P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://for.scdsb.on.ca |
FCC | Fred C. Cook E.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://fcc.scdsb.on.ca |
GOO | Goodfellow P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://goo.scdsb.on.ca |
GUT | Guthrie P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://gut.scdsb.on.ca |
HAD | Chris Hadfield P.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://had.scdsb.on.ca |
HAR | Harriett Todd P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://har.scdsb.on.ca |
HEW | Hewitt’s Creek P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://hew.scdsb.on.ca |
HIL | Hillcrest-Barrie P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://hil.scdsb.on.ca |
HID | Hillsdale E.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://hid.scdsb.on.ca |
HOL | Holly Meadows E.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://hol.scdsb.on.ca |
HER | Hon. Earl Rowe P.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://her.scdsb.on.ca |
HON | Honey Harbour P.S. (TLDSB) | JK-8 | Muskoka (TLDSB) | TLDSB | http://hhp.tldsb.on.ca |
HUR | Huron Park P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://hur.scdsb.on.ca |
HYD | Hyde Park P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://hyd.scdsb.on.ca |
HUC | Huronia Centennial E.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://huc.scdsb.on.ca |
INN | Innisfil Central P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://inn.scdsb.on.ca |
JKE | James Keating P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://jke.scdsb.on.ca |
JON | Johnson Street P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://jon.scdsb.on.ca |
KIL | Killarney Beach P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://kil.scdsb.on.ca |
LAS | Lake Simcoe P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://las.scdsb.on.ca |
OVL | Lions Oval P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://ovl.scdsb.on.ca |
MAP | Maple Grove P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://map.scdsb.on.ca |
MHT | Mapleview Heights E.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://mht.scdsb.on.ca |
MAR | Marchmont P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://mar.scdsb.on.ca |
MIN | Minesing Central P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://min.scdsb.on.ca |
MOO | Moonstone E.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://moo.scdsb.on.ca |
MTV | Mountain View E.S. | JK-8 | West Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://mtv.scdsb.on.ca |
MUN | Mundy’s Bay P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://mun.scdsb.on.ca |
NLO | New Lowell Central P.S. | JK-8 | West Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://nlo.scdsb.on.ca |
NOT | Nottawa E.S. | JK-8 | West Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://not.scdsb.on.ca |
CRE | Nottawasaga & Creemore P.S. | JK-8 | West Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://cre.scdsb.on.ca |
OAK | Oakley Park P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://oak.scdsb.on.ca |
ORC | Orchard Park P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://orc.scdsb.on.ca |
PIN | Pine River E.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://pin.scdsb.on.ca |
POR | Portage View P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://por.scdsb.on.ca |
RAM | Rama Central P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://ram.scdsb.on.ca |
REP | Regent Park P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://rep.scdsb.on.ca |
SEV | Severn Shores P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://sev.scdsb.on.ca |
SHA | Shanty Bay P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://sha.scdsb.on.ca |
SWO | Sir William Osler P.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://swo.scdsb.on.ca |
SST | Steele Street P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://sst.scdsb.on.ca |
SUN | Sunnybrae P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://sun.scdsb.on.ca |
TAY | Tay Shores P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://tay.scdsb.on.ca |
TBE | Tecumseth Beeton E.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://tbe.scdsb.on.ca |
TSO | Tecumseth South Central E.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://tso.scdsb.on.ca |
TER | Terry Fox E.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://ter.scdsb.on.ca |
TOS | Tosorontio Central P.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://tos.scdsb.on.ca |
TOT | Tottenham P.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://tot.scdsb.on.ca |
TRW | Trillium Woods E.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://trw.scdsb.on.ca |
UPT | Uptergrove P.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://upt.scdsb.on.ca |
WCL | W.C.Little E.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://wcl.scdsb.on.ca |
WHD | W.H. Day E.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://whd.scdsb.on.ca |
WRB | W.R. Best P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://wrb.scdsb.on.ca |
MES | Warminster E.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://mes.scdsb.on.ca |
WAR | Warnica P.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://war.scdsb.on.ca |
WES | West Bayfield E.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://wes.scdsb.on.ca |
WIL | Willow Landing E.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://wil.scdsb.on.ca |
WOE | Worsley E.S. | JK-8 | West Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://woe.scdsb.on.ca |
WYE | Wyevale E.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://wye.scdsb.on.ca |
Simcoe County District School Board - Secondary Schools
School Code | School | Grades | Weather Zone | Board | Website |
BAN | Banting Memorial H.S. | 9-12 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://ban.scdsb.on.ca |
NOR | Barrie North Collegiate | 9-12 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://nor.scdsb.on.ca |
BSS | Bear Creek S.S. | 9-12 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://bss.scdsb.on.ca |
BDH | Bradford District H.S. | 9-12 | South Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://bdh.scdsb.on.ca |
CCI | Collingwood Collegiate | 9-12 | West Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://cci.scdsb.on.ca |
EAS | Eastview S.S. | 9-12 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://eas.scdsb.on.ca |
ELM | Elmvale District H.S. | 9-12 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://elm.scdsb.on.ca |
ISS | Innisdale S.S. | 9-12 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://iss.scdsb.on.ca |
GBD | Georgian Bay District S.S | 9-12 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://gbd.scdsb.on.ca |
MPR | Maple Ridge S.S | 9-10 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://mpr.scdsb.on.ca |
NSS | Nantyr Shores S.S. | 9-12 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://nss.scdsb.on.ca |
NPS | Nottawasaga Pines S.S. | 9-12 | Central Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://nps.scdsb.on.ca |
OSS | Orillia S.S. | 9-12 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://oss.scdsb.on.ca |
STA | Stayner Collegiate | 9-12 | West Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://sta.scdsb.on.ca |
TWI | Twin Lakes S.S. | 9-12 | North Weather Zone | SCDSB | http://twi.scdsb.on.ca |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board - Elementary Schools
School Code | School | Grades | Weather Zone | Board | Website |
CMA | Canadian Martyrs C.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://cma.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
FFX | Father F.X. O’Reilly C.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://ffx.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
FOL | Foley C.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://fol.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
HCC | Holy Cross C.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://hcc.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
HFA | Holy Family C.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://hfa.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
MAI | St. Marie of the Incarnation C.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://mai.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
MCA | Monsignor Castex C.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://mca.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
MCL | Monsignor Clair C.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://mcl.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
MRO | Monsignor J.E. Ronan C.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://mro.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
MLE | Monsignor Lee C.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://mle.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
MMO | Monsignor Michael O’leary C.S. | JK-8 | Muskoka (TLDSB) | SMCDSB | http://mmo.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
MTB | St. Teresa of Calcutta C.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://mtb.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
NOD | Notre Dame C.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://nod.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
OLG | Our Lady of Grace C.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://olg.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
OLL | Our Lady of Lourdes C.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://oll.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
PJP | St. John Paul II C.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://pjp.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SHT | Sacred Heart C.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://sht.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SCD | Sister Catherine Donnelly C.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://scd.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SAM | St. Angela Merici C.S | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://sam.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SAN | St. Ann’s C.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://san.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SDA | St. Antoine Daniel C.S | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://sda.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
BER | St. Bernadette C.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://ber.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SBE | St. Bernards C.S. | JK-8 | North Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://sbe.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
CAT | St. Catherine of Sienna C.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://cat.schools.smcdsb.on.ca |
SCH | St. Charles C.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://sch.schools.smcdsb.on.ca |
SFA | St. Francis of Assisi C.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://sfa.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SGA | St. Gabriel the Archangel C.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://sga.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SJA | St. James C.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://sja.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SJB | St. Jean de Brebeuf C.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://sjb.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SJV | St. John Vianney C.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://sjv.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
MDY | St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://mdy.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SMB | St. Mary’s-Barrie C.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://smb.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SMC | St. Mary’s-Collingwood C.S. | JK-8 | West Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://smc.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SMH | St. Mary’s Huntsville C.S | JK-8 | Muskoka | SMCDSB | http://smh.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
MAC | St. Michael the Archangel C.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://mac.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SMO | St. Monica’s C.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://smo.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
NIC | St. Nicholas C.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://nic.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SNC | St. Noel Chabanel C.S. | JK-8 | West Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://snc.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SPA | St. Paul’s C.S. | JK-8 | South Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://spa.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
SPE | St. Peter the Apostle C.S. | JK-8 | Parry Sound | SMCDSB | http://spe.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
GSH | The Good Shepherd C.S. | JK-8 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://gsh.schools.smcdsb.on.ca/ |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board - Secondary Schools
School Code | School | Grades | Weather Zone | Board | Website |
HTR | Holy Trinity C.H.S. | 9-12 | South Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://htr.schools.smcdsb.on.ca |
OLB | Our Lady of the Bay C.H.S | 9-12 | West Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://olb.schools.smcdsb.on.ca |
PFO | Patrick Fogarty C.S.S. | 9-12 | North Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://pfo.schools.smcdsb.on.ca |
DOM | St. Dominic’s C.S.S. | 9-12 | Muskoka | SMCDSB | http://dom.schools.smcdsb.on.ca |
JOA | St. Joan of Arc C.H.S. | 9-12 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://joa.schools.smcdsb.on.ca |
SJO | St. Joseph’s C.H.S. | 9-12 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://sjo.schools.smcdsb.on.ca |
STH | St Theresa‘s C.H.S. | 9-12 | North Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://sth.schools.smcdsb.on.ca |
PET | St. Peter’s C.S.S. | 9-12 | Central Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://pet.schools.smcdsb.on.ca |
STS | St. Thomas Aquinas C.S.S. | 9-12 | South Weather Zone | SMCDSB | http://sts.schools.smcdsb.on.ca |
Bus Operators
Bus Operators | Phone # | Website |
Landmark – Alliston | (705)435-2629 | http://www.landmarkbus.com/ |
Landmark – Barrie | (705)722-6666 | http://www.landmarkbus.com/ |
Landmark – Collingwood | (705)446-1196 | http://www.landmarkbus.com/ |
Landmark – Wasaga Beach | (705)446-1196 | http://www.landmarkbus.com/ |
Sharp – Bradford | (289)831-9109 | http://www.sharpbus.com/ |
Sharp – Midland | (705)540-1563 | http://www.sharpbus.com/ |
Sharp – Orillia | (705)558-1245 | http://www.sharpbus.com/ |
Wheelchair Accessible Transit (WAT) – Muskoka | (705)640-0121 | www.wheelchairtransit.com |
Neighbouring Transportation Consortiums
Neighbouring Transportation Consortiums | Website |
Durham Student Transportation Services | http://www.dsts.on.ca |
Nipissing – Parry Sound Student Transportation Services | http://npssts.ca |
Service de Transport Francobus | http://www.francobus.ca/ |
Student Transportation Services of Grey Bruce | http://www.brucegreyschoolbus.ca/ |
Student Transportation Services of York Region | http://www.schoolbuscity.com/ |
Student Transportation of Peel Region | http://www.stopr.ca |
Trillium Lakelands Transportation Consortium | https://www.tldsb.ca/parents/bus-information/ |
Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Services | http://www.stwdsts.ca |
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